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Old 17 February 2023, 05:36 AM   #122
"TRF" Member
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New important Kurono Tokyo statement on Instagram.

In January, we gave guidance that production for 2023 will be significantly reduced, and as such numbers available across upcoming launches will be low. The Kurono project was created to allow a wider number of afficionados access to sensei's design philosophy and to be able to acquire an exceptionally built fine watch at sensible prices. However, over the years we have found Kurono trading at auction and resale markets at up to 10x the retail price, and while levels have fallen from those highs, secondary prices are still at multiple times that of retail prices. This is unsustainable and frowned upon. We will be reinforcing certain anti-speculative measures for some upcoming launches so that the limited numbers can reach real collectors and fans of Kurono instead of speculators. For example, we will be bringing back the printing of customer names on the official retail packaging, amongst other softer measures. We will announce the measures specific to each model just prior to launch. A lot of effort and attention to detail goes behind producing each and every Kurono. Please buy Kurono with honor because it is a good watch and you share the design philosophy of Hajime Asaoka, and not just a flip for profit.
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