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Old 9 January 2024, 01:45 PM   #26
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This thread made me mad. Partly because of what happened to OP but mostly because of the know it alls who alternated between doubting him and putting him down for making a mistake.

In threads like these if all you have to say is "I never would have done that" or "You must be making this up" you shouldn't even clutter the thread by posting at all. And then you have the worthless advice sprinkled in, along the lines of, "Buy only from the AP." One Einstein offered the gem of he'd never buy from the classifieds of any forum at all.

Offering advice such as, This is what you should look into before pushing the button, is one thing - just saying basically, "You done f'ed up" is quite another.

Eliminate the dross posts and this thread is reduced to just a page.

Good luck OP. The IC3 isn't a bad place to file a report but rare that you will get any action through them. Keep pushing your local police and the police local to where the wire landed. Consider hiring a private detective to pay any names you have unearthed a visit. If you can get neighbors to give you any information that's not such a crazy way to investigate either.

If the criminals feel like you're closing in on them they might return the money. By the time law enforcement does anything the money might already be spent and even if someone is arrested at that point, that won't benefit you.

Coordinating with other victims is also an excellent idea. The more victims reporting, the more chance law enforcement will take action.
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