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Old 26 April 2024, 10:45 AM   #5
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Hong Kong
Posts: 564
It is a beautifully finished piece but a piece unique for a charity auction.
We don’t all need to like every release from Patek and every watch they design isn’t for everyone of course. Some modern pieces won’t please the traditionalist and vice versa. There will be fan boys who “love” everything Patek release to keep their ADs happy and then more cynical folk who say the good old days of Patek have come and gone. The reality is probably somewhere in between.
It’s clear the last few years of their production releases have been largely uninspiring.

What would be nice would be with the ever higher and higher pieces they are charging for like the likes of 5226, 6119 calatrava and mid tier complications such as 5396, 5205,5326g, we see some of these traditional techniques and beautiful finishing back in at production level not just top tier one off pieces.
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