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Old 1 May 2024, 11:13 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by rolexpatek363 View Post
Thanks, gents, very much for all the answers, food for thought.

I bought the 5712 from new at a time when nobody seemed to want them, and so I was able to negotiate a small discount. I'm not a watch flipper or speculator (I only wish I had the money to be one!), and so I only buy watches that I really like. I had no idea that what has happened would happen.

For the first few years everything was great, nobody knew what it was and I enjoyed wearing it quite a lot without attracting any attention at all. But ever since the hype over the past two or three years, it feels like I'm wearing a huge beacon of wealth on my wrist, and that makes me feel uncomfortable as it's not the image I want to project, and there's also the slight fear of street robbery. if a professional boxer can get robbed, anyone can.

The only other way I could realistically afford to get the CB would be to sell my FPJ Octa Automatique, which I very luckily found in a shop s/h in 2016 at what seems today to be a bargain price. But I love that watch even more than the 5712, and nobody seems to recognise it, so the idea of selling it seems ridiculous.

Despite my ludicrous (by most people's standards) watch collection, I am really not a particularly wealthy person by the standards of this forum, and otherwise I live reasonably frugally. I drive a 1993 W124, for example.

There are currently 11 CBs on C24 and 213 5712s. They are going for pretty much the same money. If I sold my three old-school steel Rolexes (16610; 5513; 114300), that wouldn't raise half the asking price.

Is a CB less recognisable than a Nautilus? I suppose that is the real question...
Is your w124 an E500 by chance??
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