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Old 10 February 2020, 01:58 AM   #127
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Originally Posted by greggsiam View Post
I live in Bangkok, and it's really not a big deal. I don't even wear a mask and even the WHO says there is no reason to.

In January we had 30,000 people arrive from China, of that there were 6,000 directly from Wuhan. Even with those numbers, there are 32 cases, non of which were fatal.

The media and people have blown it way out of proportion outside of China. It has like a 2% fatality rating. Most of the cases here are treated, the people get better and are released. I think there is too much hype centered around it being a new virus and the potential that carries, but the reality is different.

However, the amount of racism that has stemmed from it is sad to see. I have seen people make racist statements like banning all Chinese, which I typically call them out on as being racist and ignorant.

In China, that is a different story. We will never know the actual truth. I'm sure it is difficult there, but I still doubt it will gain any more traction than it has already.

I’m not sure it’s blown out of proportion. Sorry to see the racism tho.

I mean it’s literally halting The Chinese economy. Given port closures, city closures... if it was not a concern and a run of the mill flu or cold. These measures would not be this drastic. If they didn’t make this a big deal it would be a lot worse than it is now. Contagiousness of the disease is a pretty big issue given they don’t actually have a vaccine. Comparisons to the flu are kind of silly in my mind as one is a known and treatable disease, while the other is aggressively expanding.

They are currently treating it with an AIDS cocktail similar to SARS.
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