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Old 23 April 2020, 11:36 PM   #65
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Originally Posted by whitelightning View Post
I belong to a number of forums across a spectrum of topics and I don't believe any of them get as personal as this one. When the OP expresses his opinion that's just what it is, his opinion. I just can't understand why the attacts get so personal. We are all entitled to our opinions and whether you agree with mine or not, we should be able to express that opinion without being attacked on a personal level. To suggest that someone should not be on this forum because you disagree with their opinion is beyond comprehension. If we all felt like that, there probably would only be 10 members left here. I'll probably be attacked for this but it is my opinion and I'm entitled to it. Hang in there OP, I happen to agree with you that some of these watches look like a Big Ben alarm clock strapped to your wrist. And others look lost on a wrist.
This isn't really true. They vast majority of people on here are able to express opinions without coming off as belligerent trolls. There are a few guys on here who seem to lack basic decorum. Nothing wrong with snarky comments here and there, but starting a troll thread to insult a large amount of people with no original thought or underlying argument is a different matter.

This isn't the Yahoo comments section, and there's plenty of places I can go to get that level of discourse. What I appreciate about TRF is that members seem to hold themselves to a higher standard here.

Edit: looks like OP didn't hang in there very well, as he's since been banned
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