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Old 6 February 2021, 08:36 AM   #146
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Originally Posted by MrGoat View Post
It’s not arrogance necessarily. I would say for most it’s comfortable to not give the above referenced subjects much critical thought. It would be a bad day for anyone to realize the potential for any of those things to be factual. The calling others opinions nonsense and stating they lack critical thinking would most likely qualify as arrogant though. I believe it’s more a defense mechanism than anything.

As for me, I’m much too uneducated in the matters to have a solid opinion either way. I’ve had a many alcohol stimulated discussion about the possibilities of most referenced topics and do believe all could be possible (except the moon landing) but hey if you want to believe it was faked who the hell am I to degrade your opinion?

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agreed, it's most likely a defense mechanism deep down. and actually I don't necessarily believe all of it including that the moon landing was faked.

I do think, however, they used some fake footage and acted like it was real...

My point is that there seems to be much to it than people want to admit ( to most of these topics).

Almost, like pedophiles in the catholic church, it's just that the evidence is now so overwhelming that people can't deny it. It sure is uncomfortable to think about.
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