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Old 27 September 2021, 08:20 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Chester01 View Post
These gas folks are not going to be happy until their greed drives everyone over to all electric sooner rather than later. The fake scarcity (plenty in the ground to go around)The constant high prices is really about the stupidest move one can imagine in an era when one does not need to go gas anymore. Their greed is blinding them or they understand this and it’s get the highest prices possible before the whole things crashes down.
The writing is on the wall. Gas is expected to be phased out by 2050 at this point. But far from a stupid move. If you know your industry is apart of a planned obsolescence, get while the getting is good. At this point the electric takeover isn't going to happen any quicker because of fuel prices, we can't even get the computer chips necessary to run our fossil fuel vehicles let alone develop and implement infrastructure effectively amidst a pandemic. I don't know what it is about covid that has turned people into these worthless water sacks. But hardly anyone I meet is pulling their weight in society anymore, hard to make progress when noone wants to work.

Taking a different economic approach to our view, the value of the US $ has also gone down considerably. Fuel usage has also significantly decreased, causing the marginal cost to pump per barrel to increase. Its also more expensive to transport fuel due to the increase in fuel prices itself and other pandemic factors that have backed up the shipping industry Despite how much they're pumping they're still required to support their rigging equipment, drill workers/operators etc. And when your countries economics are tied to income based off oil sales, you kinda have to increase price.
Blows my mind people complaining about gas prices amongst everything though. I paid more for gas when I started driving in 2010 than I do today and my car is 2-3x as efficient than what I drove back then. I fill up once or twice a week. Never have I thought about an electric vehicle as a means of saving money. Theres alot of Greed in this world, but I think its a bit defamatory describing these people as such when historically speaking, we're not even close to the record high price per barrel.
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