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Old 17 October 2021, 04:10 AM   #28
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Cuckooclockland
Posts: 461
Hilarious: my item is now marked as "Successful delivery", less than a day after it was supposedly sent to me in another country. He has sent it to an address within his own country, and not to mine, and all of this information is written as clear as day on the DHL tracking information that I can now use as evidence. I was out the whole day so did not receive or sign for anything (in the other country that I live in), should that need explaining.

I really do not understand why this scam seller shot himself in the foot by doing such a quick delivery within his own country, not even to mine, that was marked as 'delivery completed' within 24 hours. If he had any common sense he would of shipped something to somewhere within my country that took 5 days plus, to at least make it seem plausible. The guy even told me to "expect delays due to the pandemic" in his email. I am guessing that I am not dealing with a seasoned pro here.

I just talked to my credit card company who said that although they can't cancel the reserved transaction, they can investigate and do a charge back if Ebay would be for any reason unable to help. However, I think it is looking pretty clear at the moment that by doing this he has made everything much easier for me, so I will call Ebay on Monday to start the claim.
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