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Old 14 December 2021, 03:48 AM   #47
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Don't wear your rolex to philly....

Originally Posted by Santiago32 View Post
Interesting. I was in NYC in August and wore my BLNR everywhere. Never felt unsafe.

There have been plenty of instances where muggings in the city have happened because of someone wearing a Rolex. There was a shooting at a very well known restaurant and it was because of a Rolex submariner.

Watches are going double and triple retail in some instances even more. People are aware of this and naturally this will cause a chain reaction of theft, etc. During these insane times.

I picked up my CHNR the other day from a well known AD in the city and was told specifically to be very careful and have eyes open all the way home because there have been more and more instances of muggings and robberies involving watches, with some people even being followed home from the store. For all the media reports- there is also plenty more that it doesn’t report.

Definitely a good time to keep your eyes open and be extra aware of your surroundings. Not saying to not wear your watch. Just saying to be extra cautious. I am in the city daily for work and have a wife and a newborn coming very soon so sometimes I prefer to have my head clear. The watches still get plenty of wrist time- just a bit pickier where for now.

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