Thread: End of Crypto?
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Old 13 November 2022, 08:26 AM   #101
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Reading that folks like O’Leary, Curry, Cuban and Brady are taking big losses as they had large investments in crypto.

I can’t wrap my head around that. These guys have real money. I mean, multi generational wealth to the point where they (and future generations) almost can’t run out, unless they do something either stupid or risky.

Why invest in something, so largely, if it’s even remotely risky. Even the safest of investments, the most conservative investments, will provide returns that are massive for most of society. Massive!!

To me, it’s similar to that old adage, bulls and bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered.

I just can’t wrap my head around it. How much do they need that they are taking such big risks to get big returns? Returns they do not, and never will, need.
If happiness is a state of mind, why look anywhere else for it?

IG: gsmotorclub
IG: thesawcollection

(Both mostly just car stuff)
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