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Old 11 January 2023, 05:59 AM   #14
Join Date: Dec 2022
Location: Boston
Posts: 53
Originally Posted by Mr Ben View Post
Sorry for the stupid question but interested to know the answer to this one. I’m sure it’s been asked and discussed before but I’m not getting much of use out of the search function.

Other automatic watches I’ve had in the past show the date changing very gradually around midnight. Eg an old Tag I have, it’s evident the date wheel is moving from about 23.50 then it clicks through the last of the actual change at 00.02.

My current model (Explorer II 226570 so 3285 movement) doesn’t move at all until about 00.06 then changes very suddenly.

Is this something thats generally accepted and what causes it? eg a slight misalignment or design of the movement and how far out would be expected? I’ve had the watch a month and it’s only about 2 seconds off my iPhone over 30 days from initially setting it so surprised the date change is so much less precise. (Not that I desperately need to know the date in those 6 minutes but just interested!)
It’s called instantaneous date change.
They have designed this mechanism to be as precise as possible. It should happen exactly the same each day, with in seconds of the previous day.
Keep in mind this is a purely mechanical mechanism where inaccuracies could and should be expected.

I am a little confused. Were you worried that it happened 6 seconds after midnight?
That’s very precise in the mechanical world.

Expecting it to change each day according to you iPhone is a little out of range for many reasons.
Your watch is either gaining or losing at least 2 seconds daily minimum.
Your iPhone, should be exact. Every day.
If you took a reading on Monday and it was 6 seconds slow, by next Monday it could be much slower or much quicker, according to you iPhone.
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