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Old 28 February 2023, 01:39 PM   #85
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Dirt View Post
The accuracy was already present with the 31xx movement.
They were routinely running to the Superlative specs years prior to its introduction.
The 31xx was the current mainstream movement at the time of the introduction of the Supelative spec which coincided with and heralded by the overnight changeover in hangtag colour.
Also the Anti-magnetic properties haven't changed between the 31xx and 32xx movements.

The only tangible "improvements" have been with regard to power reserve and service intervals.
Previously service intervals were unofficially advised to be in the order of 5-7 years, which seemed quite reasonable.

With the introduction of the hangtag change it was stated in some letter to a dealer which was leaked to the media, that average service intervals had historically been in the order of 10 years.
Some time after that, Rolex started puting it out there that they (for the first time in history) recommended 10 year service intervals.
A good number of these 32xx movements aren't even getting out of the warranty period before they're found to be grinding themselves(uncontrolably) into dust with serious impacts on their Superlative accuracy that require a suite of corrective measures to correct to arrest their self destruction.
Interestingly people will spend thousands on these watches with the latest and greatest that Rolex has to offer, only to roll the dice on reliability factors that previously one would expect to find with something one could purchase down some narrow alley or on a beach whilst on holiday in a developing country for well under $100
Even with the reported issues with the 32xx movements, how often do these watches continue to have problems AFTER it’s sent in for service to the RSC?
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