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Old 19 May 2023, 01:46 PM   #21
Polar Bear
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Watch: Panerai PAM687
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Originally Posted by Russellw3 View Post
Those couple of thousand nutters, as you call them, are what made the brand.
They build the brand and brought new people to the brand. Without them there is no Panerai.

This brand is currently a shell of its self. No longer hot and instantly selling out pieces. All brands should take note, this is what happens when you get away from your base.
The issue is, those nutters weren't buying enough watches
Its all well and good to "bring people to the brand" but if they don't spend any money regularly you go out of business

You can plant your flag on hill of "we made you what you are" but all the Paneristi have done in the last 5-10 years is bitch about the good old days while buying vintage pieces or new ones from Grey Dealers for a significant discount

Panerai is in the business of selling watches, they wouldn't have discontinued all the 47mm, simple designed, Bettarini cases that the Paneristi keep screaming for if they were actually selling.

I've asked this question of Paneristi a couple of times, but, what was the last Panerai you bought, brand new, from an AD (that wasnt a Bronze variant)?

I've said it before but, appealing ONLY to your core audience is a recipe for long term disaster.
If all you do is cater to a couple of thousand hardcore fans, without evolving, those nutters age out, your core market dies of old age and you dont have a customer base anymore

Don't believe me?
Go look at Harley Davidson and see how their lack of evolution and customer growth worked out for them?
If you cant afford the depreciation, you cant afford the purchase
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