Thread: Anthony Farrer
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Old 4 August 2023, 02:31 AM   #146
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Originally Posted by Moondoggy View Post
He hasn't stolen anything, he just hasn't paid for it yet.
Not true. At some point, probably a while ago, he became criminally liable. I can’t speak for whatever state he’s in, but he can face Federal theft charges and with that much money lost and his criminal history, he’s looking at serious Federal prison time.

He almost certainly has criminal defense attorneys he can call. I’d be shocked if any of them told him to start posting videos of his explanation unless they’re trying to set up a lack of intent defense. But if he was using revenue from the sale of consigned pieces to fund a lavish lifestyle or he was building a ponzi-type scheme where he was selling pieces to pay off prior debts, he’s going to have trouble selling a viable defense.

I see this type of situation with some frequency involving roofers, fence installers, and construction contractors. They get in over their head, use deposits to pay for materials for other clients and to complete other jobs, and then they don’t have the ability to complete the job for the client who has paid the deposit. The work doesn’t get finished and the money doesn’t get refunded because it has already been spent. The defendant tries to complete other jobs to make up for the loss but can’t and then law enforcement is called. The defendant often has lots of explanations for why they haven’t completed the job and promises to complete the job, etc., but at a certain point, it’s charged as a theft.

And for Anthony, it’s even worse because he documented his extravagant lifestyle.
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