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Old 21 December 2023, 09:18 AM   #105
"TRF" Member
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For sure, no one wants to lose money on a watch. But I think where the difference in opinion is investment versus enthusiasm. I have seen people who bought watches with ZERO CLUE about what they are buying. Like literally ZERO. Met a guy who was wearing a White Dial Daytona. No clue about the history of the Daytona, no clue about the movement. All he know is that it’s a “PANDA DAYTONA” and that is sought-after, high investment potential and has protective stickers throughout the watch. The conversation became an instant turn off. That’s where investment and profitability becomes annoying. If one has genuine interest in watches, knows basic details about the watch they are wearing, has a good story to tell behind the acquisition of the watch, then the conversation is enjoyable, at least for me. If someone who likes watches and makes money from it after 5 years, that’s good foresight and holding power. It only becomes a problem when someone buys the watch for “investment” purpose, not wear it or wears it with thick protective stickers, and doesn’t know what they are getting into other than the fact that it is “sought after”, there lies the huge problem.
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