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Old 10 April 2024, 01:04 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by INC View Post
I don't think Rolex belongs in the luxury jewelry market. These are just expensive, overstuffed everyday watches. I understand that their models have outgrown the watch market in terms of price, but if they go this way, it is an admission that they are no longer interested in horology, only profit. And it is a problem, because in the same time the mass production is exactly what a real luxury product cannot be. I think these solid precious metals and added diamond "things", in fact only cheap mass-produced mechanical watches which are terribly far from the real luxury.

And in my opinion, if they decided to go this way, then they can say goodbye forever to ever being taken seriously as part of the holy trinity. It is not horology any more. It just profitology which in my opinion will last as long as they will be able to sell these mass produced expensive XXI. century "Midases".

Rolex was never considered part of the “holy trinity” nor would most call them “haute horology”. And they for decades and decades have had a catalog that includes some over the top jewelry type pieces. Their catalog is incredibly consistent and it’s well known that horological innovation is not Rolex’s forte. The company and its goals have not really changed much honestly.

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