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Old 14 April 2024, 07:09 PM   #10
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Jul 2014
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If you are a tourist I'd probably not bother. Just like I wouldn't take a patek to Paris, Barcelona etc.

I'm in London all the time and wear patek. But I'm aware of what's going on and my watch is strictly covered at all times.

Funny how times have changed. I use to wear some very obvious watches daily in London, travelling all over the city, in a t-shirt, did this for years and never even considered I was putting myself in danger, never had a single problem. Then in around 2018 onwards, I started hearing of watch theft then it happened to a friend of mine for a simple DJ on jubilee. All he did was get an uber into town, he went straight to a restaurant and when he left a few hours later, he walked from the door to his uber, was push into the taxi and they attempted to take his watch.

BS times. The authorities are letting us down with liberal justice.
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