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Old 24 April 2024, 06:13 AM   #44
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Neighborhood gator

As a native Floridian I’d say that gator is probably closer to 6’ than 9’. 7’ long is possible. It’s hard to tell from the picture. Also, please note it’s getting into mating season for these guys. They will find any water source they can fit in to call their own while looking for a mate. Don’t be surprised if there is others found walking through the neighborhood, they’re just looking for a place to settle down. They’ve been known to be under cars, in pools and even trying to climb fences during mating season.

It’s going to sound crazy but we OFTEN played in gator and snake infested waters as kids. Even waterskied in some of the same bodies of water that were large enough to get a boat in. Never had issues, except the one time we accidentally caught a small gator while trying to go fishing. The park ranger rolled up to three kids (one in a tree) and a pissed off 3’ alligator on the bank all wrapped up in fishing line. We were told to leave the park and our fishing gear was confiscated. I presume the ranger took care of letting the alligator go.

As long as people aren’t feeding your resident pond puppy it will most likely stay far away from people unless they’re very very small (imagine 3’ or less).

I’d be more worried about the kids abilities to swim if they fall into the lake or possible snake bite from playing along the bank and stepping into a Moccasin nest. I’ve known people that got bit by snakes and I’ve heard of a lot more drownings than alligator attacks or shark attacks.

Water safety and awareness is something that I don’t feel is taught or prioritized as much as it should be. With it, a lot of the risks with Florida waterways would be mitigated.

How old (roughly) are these children playing at the pond bank unaccompanied? I don’t recall being unaccompanied around water until I was around 8 and I think that was a pretty good age.

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