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Old 29 April 2024, 01:48 AM   #30
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I smoked from about age 15 to about age 24. Such a dirty nasty habit. I smoked about 25 cigs a day (a pack) and if I went out to a bar at night I'd probably chain smoke another pack. Basically the only ones I really enjoyed were the ones with the first morning coffee and the one after a meal. The rest were just habit and social interactions with other people who we'd light up with.

We didn't realize how bad we smelled, our clothes and hair reeked of the stuff and our houses and cars did as well.

So glad that it went out of favor mostly because smokers inflict it on everyone around them.

My understanding of one of the reasons it caught on so much during the 1950s was that cigarettes were given free to soldiers during WW2 and they all came home addicted and soon their wives and girlfriends were addicted to. And it was also glamorized by Hollywood movies.

No one really knew till later on how unhealthy it was or how it was being manipulated by tobacco companies to addict people.
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