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Old 29 April 2024, 11:11 AM   #4332
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by FLGatorM5 View Post
How is it? Grabbed one while in KY but waiting to open.

Well, im not that into those peanut-y bourbons/whiskys like Beam, Booker and Dickel.

On the nose, I was getting cherry and oak, with a very slight bit of leathery funk. It smells pretty darn good.

Palate-wise, I thought the different flavors of fruity cherry or maybe currant (I have terrible sense of taste), oak and peanut worked well together. I got oak the most. Some peanut but not too much. It’s a great mix and well executed.

I had a better experience tonight when I poured myself a drink and got sidetracked with something and came back 20 minutes later to enjoy. Last night, I added a little water to open it up, but it wasn’t necessary tonight.

Overall, it’s pretty solid. I like it, but not enough to justify the price. I bought two bottles once while travelling through some airport, I will likely use the other bottle as trade bait with friends.

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