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Old 29 April 2024, 10:41 PM   #108
Kevin of Larchmont
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Originally Posted by Devildog View Post

I would agree that without knowing the total number of movements in circulation - or more correctly the total number of movements in regular use (as opposed to being in a safe or hardly worn) the poll result is not statistically representative of 32xx movements generally.

And as such it's incorrect to assume 25% of all 32xx movements are affected.

It could be significantly less than 25%. But equally, it could be significantly more and just not being picked up by owners who don't care.

We cannot establish that.

But the poll is meaningful. It means that circa 25% of those who responded out of 1400 had an actual issue with the 32xx movement. That in itself cannot simply be ignored just becase the result is not statistically relevant

Its also meaningful in that the issue is consistently the same for those movements that are affected.

Just because we cannot accurately establish the percentage of affected 32xx movements with statistical relevance (by total in use or by year of production) doesn't mean the issue should be dismissed as irrelevant (which many continue to do)

It does, however, appear that the issue is lessening (certainly from what Bas has reported he's seeing coming through the RSC he works in) but of course that information is not statistically relevant either
I agree with this.
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