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Old 30 April 2024, 03:48 AM   #3
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I heard the trend started with “Seinfeld” and “Friends,” so the set could show the kitchen and living room at the same time.

I’ve seen too many HGTV shows where people blow out a lot of interior walls.

Every mom on the shows says she loves the open concept so “I can watch my kids while I’m cooking.”

I’m Gen X and, when I was growing up, not only did my mom not “watch” me when she was cooking, she never wanted to, nor did I want to be watched. I was one of those “latchkey kids” who took the city bus home from school, arrived to an empty house (as both parents worked), and then, after completing homework in my room, at my desk, took my bike out for a ride until it got dark. No cell phones.

A lot of people got sick of open concept design when the entire family was working and going to school from home during the pandemic.

I have an old school house built almost 100 years ago. It has an ample size living room for entertaining, and a beautiful formal dining room that has been the site of so many wonderful family events. I even found an archived article from our local newspaper about a formal engagement party that was held in the dining room in the 1930s…We also have a nook in our kitchen area for casual dining. That being said, when we do entertain, I love that the kitchen is on the other side of the downstairs from the living room, and I can close the kitchen doors so no one in the living room or dining room can see the pots and pans. I also cook dinner every night, and am thankful that the smell of the food doesn’t permeate every room in the house. You cannot see my kitchen from the entry or from the living room.

Obviously everyone has their own preferences, which is why we have so many architectural styles and interior designs. I have some relatives with open design spaces, and they love it. It’s just not for me.
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