Thread: Dogs of TRF
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Old 3 May 2024, 08:10 AM   #980
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Originally Posted by -dustin View Post
Our dog Nugget, pictured laying on top of Tank, had his 2nd seizure in 5 weeks last night.

First was witnessed by my mom. I was hoping it was just a random occurrence. Nugget was adopted from a shelter in 2017, and years ago I randomly found his brother on Instagram. After the first episode, I sent his owners a message asking if their pooch had any seizures, and surprisingly they said he had. A single one about a year ago. So I assume it's something genetic.

Shitty way to spend an evening, and the seizure wasn't like any I've seen before (had a beagle with them 15-ish years ago). Mid-way through, Nugget tried getting up and walking/ running around, but he couldn't. He hind legs were seized. He ended up leaning against the couch and just stared off into space, drool hanging from his mouth. That was hard to witness. All together it was about 6 minutes till he was back to walking around normally, eating and drinking. Vet has some meds coming for him, and hopefully those help.

Well we've had the seizures under control with the help of phenobarbital since October, but over the past couple months, Nugget's dropped from 28lbs to 21. He's recently become quite lethargic, and isn't eating his food (but still loves his treats). Vet did blood work and an ultrasound last week with no surprises. Wifey got pretty upset last night. The not-knowing is not awesome. Dropping him off at the vet tomorrow morning with some food so that they can observe him. There have been no significant changes in his daily routine that would suggest anything.

When he was initially put on phenobarbital, vet suggested 2x16.2mg pills twice a day. Immediate change in Nugget's personality. On my own, I cut it in half, to 1x16.2mg twice a day in December. He came back around and we haven't had any more seizures. I'm under the impression that the blood work would've shown any issues related to the phenobarbital use, and the results came back normal. We'll see what happens tomorrow...
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