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Old 3 May 2024, 07:58 PM   #54
The GMT Master
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Originally Posted by EzraPound View Post
You bring up a couple of points I hope the Rolex gurus can clarify for me.

1) technically we only know that Rolex has no record of the watch being stolen; there is no way Rolex can definitively state the CPO watch is not stolen rather Rolex can only state the watch has not been reported as stolen to Rolex.

2) can anyone direct me to an explicit statement from Rolex that each CPO watch is "serviced"; my understanding is the CPO watch is inspected but not always necessarily serviced per se. Is "inspected" the same as "serviced" in CPO jargon?

Thank you.

I can help with this one.

To answer point 1, no system will ever be 100% effective when it comes to reported stolen watches, but Rolex's system is absolutely the best out there. There have been instances where watches have come up as clean on third-party reporting systems that have been reported as stolen on Rolex's database.

As for number 2, it depends. If the watch is under the original sales warranty or is under the terms of Rolex's service warranty, more often than not a service will be unneccessary. Of course, it will depend on how it has been worn, and if the watch is running outside of tolerances, the watch will be serviced. Each one will be refurbished by the AD's service centre at a minimum before returning to Rolex for certification. You are then covered by the new two-year RCPO warranty.

I hope this answers your questions,

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