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Old 7 May 2024, 08:05 PM   #8
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Apr 2020
Location: NY, NY
Posts: 313
Originally Posted by unotaz View Post
While he can continue to get regular Pateks, I guarantee you that he won't be able to get another application watch for many years.

It's one thing to sell application watches after a few years of ownership, it's another to sell a top watch like the grandmaster chime.

He could be low key about it and just sell it privately or through private auctions. But no, he decides to self-promote the sale on Youtube and other medial outlets in hoping to drive up the final sale price. This does not go down well with Pateks I can reassure you
That’s speculation and NOT a fact!
He says exactly why he’s selling “part of his massive collection” in the video (Hint, it has to do with Flip Wilson). He is a Billionaire and he’s almost 80 and his collection is the worlds best - so parsing off a dozen pieces isnt going to really diminish his overall watch collection….
In addition, I really doubt that Mr. Stern and his family are going to punish Mr. Stallone for selling a one of one piece that he paid millions for years ago - he has been a direct client (not a lowly customer like me) of Patek Philippe since 1982. I repeat, a DIRECT CLIENT. He doesn’t go to Tiffany’s and get his Patek Philippe watches like me after waiting a few months or years - They offer him their best, newest, most coveted watches directly at MSRP - because they want his business and the no cost of being an “Unofficial Brand Ambassador”………
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