Thread: Hives
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Old 27 October 2010, 12:09 AM   #22
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Agree to disagree. End of story.

I'm done with this discussion as well because you and I are seeing apples and oranges. To lump an antidepressant like Wellbutrin into the same category as "heroin, nicotine, or alcohol" is just silly, from a medical standpoint. Look on the medical websites - the real ones - and you won't see the term "highly addictive" in them anywhere. Just because a medicine can cause symptoms if you abruptly stop taking them does not mean it's "highly addictive."

Apparently you are very passionate about the subject because your poor experience with the meds. But please don't be so quick to attack these kinds of medicines and the people who use them. My experience with them was very different and I can fairly say I owe my life to them.
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