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Old 17 August 2011, 10:36 AM   #3
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Thanks Dan, updated.

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Hi guys, just thought would list some questions I found especially useful to ask when buying a vintage watch with inputs from you wonderful guys here, hopefully helps some newbie collectors like myself get the watch they looking for. Is esp for those seeking originality and collector grade pieces or those willing to compromise on some parts so that we can become informed buyers rather than end up finding we purchased an unoriginal watch in good faith "assuming" it was all original. Important in cases where not enough information was provided or because the seller had a "Ask and I'll tell" policy rather than an upfront one. Offcourse again, please ask the knowledgeable guys here and send them pictures before you buy a watch. Also sometimes, if a deal is too good to be true, it probably is ,so please do conduct your own due diligence before buying.

Please help me fill in the missing bits.

General question to ask

Watch is original and has no replacements including service replacements

Individual part questions

Is it Polished/never polished/unpolished/over polished (since these definitions can mean different things to different people)/Original to the watch/Service replacement/Rusty

Is it period correct/Original to the watch/Service replacement/Polished/Refurbished

Are they original to the watch/replacement hands/service replacements/relumed/ tritium matches the plots on the dial/ tritium doesn't match the plots on the dial/Cracking tritium

Is it original to the watch/ a replacement/service replacement/refinished/relumed/tritium matches the one on the hands/ tritium doesn't match the hands/ % perfect (eg 100% perfect dial)//Cracking tritium

Is it original to the watch/ a replacement/service replacement

Movement (doesn't impact collectability much unless a different movement is used)
Original/Service replacement/a different movement

Original/Service replacement

Original/Original service replacement/service replacement

Degree and type of patina desired
There is a 0-6 patina type, please see the different types of patina from link in sticky here

Box and Papers
Original to the watch/Period correct but not original to the watch/none/Chronometer certificate (punched/double punched/written)

Serial number
Serial number of the watch matches the time period the seller is advertised. (Note that this can have a variance of 1-2 years because might not be exact)

A recent service/RSC service/no service

Returns & Buyer Protection
Period of time the buyer has to return the watch if something is amiss/ Will the seller stand by the watch after that time to safeguard his reputation since in most cases the return period is usually about 3-7 days. But a buyer discovers a watch is unoriginal too late as we have seen many times when new guys buy vintages in good faith, so "Buy the Seller".
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Last thing I remember, I was Running outta sight
I had to find the passage back,To the place I was before.
’Relax,’ said this Rolex place,We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like, But you can never leave!
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