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Old 4 November 2011, 12:07 PM   #24
"TRF" Member
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Real Name: Bruce
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I know the squeak. It's a cheap sounding squeak for a new Rolex. I first heard it with my Milgauss, and it concerned me because I'd bought all my previous Rolexes new and had never heard it before. That cheap squeak. I turned to the forum and read all about it, but really, it only took away the fear that it might not be normal. It didn't make me like it. Then finally, it went away after wearing it for a while, which everyone said would happen, and I was glad it was gone.

Now maybe it has to do with the new steel, but I didn't hear it on my new black SS Daytona, nor on my new SD, so I don't know exactly why the squeak exists; only that it does go away after a while, and that it sounds very cheap for a Rolex. It wasn't a big deal and passed quickly, but to be honest, I'd have liked it a lot better if it had never squeaked in the first place. Did I say it sounds cheap? Not a good sound for a Rolex IMO, and I have eight others bought new besides the Milgauss that never squeaked.

Down the line on quality control, Rolex should add a step to remove the squeak. That cheap squeak. It's a bad thing for a luxury item; very bad to have a noticeable sound of imperfection coming from a thing of beauty, like the goddess across the table from you on your first date burping or cupping her hands under her armpits and pumping out the sounds of crepitation.

No offense to those who think it's a cute sound or something to tolerate because it goes away. To me, it's the quintessential sound of cheapness, and it shouldn't be there at all.

For disclosure purposes, I love my Milgauss and wear it quite often. It does not squeak. It also doesn't feel, look or sound cheap in any way, but neither did Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn) after Professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) got through with her in "My Fair Lady."

Finally, I am writing this pretty much tongue in cheek. I mean, who cares? Rolex doesn't, so I guess neither should we. So let's just live with it and joke about it, and ease others' concerns as well and encourage them to tolerate that unique, cheap squeak that only a brand spanking new Rolex has. Of course, before I can really claim that it's unique, I will need to see a scientific readout from an oscilloscope and compare it to the squeaks of really cheap watches. Hopefully then we can raise up our squeak and identify it by its unmistakably singular wavelength that only Rolex was able to create for the true WIS to enjoy, and then, only then, I promise to truly enjoy it.

Oh wait. I forgot. It's gone. That wonderful squeak.

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