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Old 2 December 2005, 12:36 AM   #1
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Icon14 This day in history.....

One year ago today, I met with one of our forum members who is well known to all of us. He is a most famous (infamous?) WIS named JJ Irani.

While en route to Australia, we were forced to take a flight that went through Auckland, NZ. We decided to stay for a few days, and since I knew JJ was from that city, I emailed him to ask about what sights we should see. JJ graciously invited my wife and I to meet him and his wife, and our plans were set. JJ and his lovely wife Zemina picked us up at our hotel, and we went to a nice Indian restaurant called Bolliwood.

It was a first WIS dinner for both of us, and here is the selection that was at the table during the dinner:

The collection is my JLC Master Moon at the top of the picture, below and left is my wife's Cartier (yes, it's quartz - shame on me but I can't convince her to get anything mechanical ), next is the one watch that JJ will never sell and will take to his grave.....err, well maybe not. Last is Zemina's YM.

The food was great as was the wine and beer, and of course the company....

My Tandoori chicken was fantastic......

Lots of food to go around.....

Here is the standard WIS shot, taken by our lovley Canadian waitress....who thought we were slightly nuts......."You mean you met because of watches?!"

Zemina on the left, then yours truly, then some Kiwi tosser, and my wife, Jacqui.....

One of the people who knew I was meeting JJ asked that I get a picture of the Kiwi in his natural habitat, not striking a pose or with that trademark smile......I was happy to help....

Some candid shots of our lovely ladies.......

A candid shot off JJ looking like he needs that beer pretty badly.......or someone just suggested that he might sell his TT sub one day for another Rolex.....I have other explanation for that look in his eyes......

I've titled this one "JJ Irani - Master of his Domain"

After a lovely dinner, JJ and Zemina dropped us back at our hotel. The next day, we took the public transit to MOTAT where JJ works, to view some of the history his museum has on hand.

Here the famed Kiwi in his natural surroundings......

And one of JJ and I in front of and old ambulance.

It was a fun afternoon seeing where JJ "works" - mind you I didn't see him actually do anything..........

We had a nice tea in the employee break room, where I met another Canadian who had decided to live and work in NZ, and ended up working at MOTAT - she obviously wasn't warned about the obsessive Kiwi before emigrating.......

For me, I made sure we had a brewery tour before coming to visit JJ - it lessens the impact a bit if you have tipped a few before taking on the Kiwi WIS.........

Many who know that I have met our beloved JJ ask me..."What is he really like?" Well, I can answer very honestly that what you see is what you get. JJ has a passion for Rolex, his family, and his WIS friends, and I am happy to count myself as one of them.......

JJ, cheers to you and Zemina, and I sincerely hope that we will meet again one day!
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