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Old 9 July 2012, 08:49 PM   #105
"TRF" Member
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Paris
Watch: Explorer
Posts: 446
Hi all,

Delighted to join such a wonderful group.

I don't have any photos to hand at present, but must say in the four months I've owned an Explorer, I love it more every time I look at it.

A few observations:

Because it doesn't look like a Rolex, which was one of the main reasons I was attracted to it, it doesn't draw attention even from those I might've expected to spot it. This I love.

It takes a pounding. I wear it for more or less everything, and have only a couple of little bezel scratches for my trouble. It has been swimming in the sea, kayaking, hill walking, rock climbing, travelling, cycling, running, plus the usual gardening, socialising etc! It also draws the curious and ever-strengthening grip of our 8-month old! So far so good.

Timekeeping is superb. It consistently runs 1-2 seconds fast a day, which, since it is consistent, makes it utterly reliable. I don't do lateness, so must have a timepiece, other than quartz, that I can rely on.

It is without question the most comfortable watch I have ever worn. It fits so snugly and securely. It does not grab at wrist hairs, and the easy link facility is simply fantastic.

Pics to follow soon hopefully.

Cheers folks!
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