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Old 12 December 2005, 08:20 AM   #4
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Goodwatch
Hi Al,

How hot is the sauce on the left? Anne makes traditional Indonesean 'sambal' (I don't know the English word for it) and uses peppers called Madame Jeanette. Eating means instant death! I'm used to very spicey food but I can't take this. Just a little drop of the stuff makes you want to drink 10 gallons of water. Dang.
Frans - I believe that the pepper you refer to is a variant of the orange Habanero pepper. The orange version is slightly less hot that the Red Savina Habanero, which is the hottest in the world.

The heat of peppers is rated in Scoville units. For example, a Jalapeno pepper is rated at approx. 5,000 Scoville units (mind you since "hot" food became popular, they seem to have bred what little heat there was in these out to please the masses who "think" they like hot food..... ). A Caynenne pepper is hotter, more like 50,000 Scoville units. The Red Savina Habanero on the other hand, is way up there at approx. 500,000 Scoville too much of this and you go a little...

"Hi, my name is Al and I'm a chilli-head."
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