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Old 3 December 2012, 10:37 AM   #135
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Dec 2011
Real Name: Bill
Location: Village of EQ
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Wow, this is a thread that can bring out the emotions in people. I have owned multiple rolexes and multiple panerai's. I still believe the most important aspect of any watch is how it makes you feel when you put it on your wrist. I can honestly say I have felt the same level of excitement in wearing my panerai as I have with my rolexes. Each watch is special to me in its own way and can illicit the same big smile when I glance at my wrist. My sub c is a classic that I cherish and my new Pam 422 is just so retro cool that I can't wait to put it on. Is one in a different bracket than the other? Maybe, but aren't there more important things to concern ourselves with. Enjoy what makes you happy!!! Just my two cents.
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