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Old 15 August 2013, 07:26 AM   #108
Join Date: Aug 2011
Real Name: Pat
Location: North Carolina
Watch: GMT 1675
Posts: 25

You're correct there, Baltimore Brian! Have no idea what it is worth and have been trying to get an idea for insurance purposes. I recall paying somewhere around $125 for it in 1963, which at the time was a big chunk of a young Naval Officer's monthly pay. I never paid too much attention to what it was worth until about 6/7 years ago when a golfing buddy watched me toss the watch unceremoniously into a pocket in my golf bag. He almost fainted and gave me a stern lecture on the value of these watches. I became very careful after that, and try to keep up with things here on the forum when I have a chance. Pat Ogren
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