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Old 19 September 2013, 12:35 AM   #60
"TRF" Member
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^See, I'm new to this forum (and Rolex in general), I'm more of an Omega man, but I was thinking of possibly a Rolex for my next.

Theres always been bad connotations (although never entirely true) about Rolex owners and wearers (sometimes that view has been solidified, almost did it here with someone's response to my post) then there are responses from Michel that ensure me there are true enthusiasts out there.

Seems like a general split: the purists and the newer generation, if you will... but I always thought it was common amongst the Rolex WISs that something like Pepsi or Rootbeer or Hulk was used.

Johnbeth is right in the sense IF I walk into an AD and ask them about "the new Batman GMT" I might get a weird stare from the girl who's trained to know Rolex, but if the girl is also a WIS, then that may not be the case!

Anyway, beautiful watch. Enjoy it, I certainly like it...
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