Thread: Recipes!
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Old 3 February 2008, 12:18 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Gerry View Post
From an Italian girl I once knew. Thank you, Isabella, wherever you are!

4 egg yolks,
4 tblsp sugar,
Two mugs of very strong black coffee (cooled),
250g (1 tub) Mascarpone cheese,
1 packet of sponge fingers,
1 tblsp cocoa powder/hot chocolate/milo/grated
chocolate ... you get the idea!
1 rectangular takeaway container

1. Blend egg yolks with sugar until it forms a yellow
2. Blend mascarpone cheese with yolk/sugar paste until
it's completely mixed
3. ONE BY ONE, dip the sponge fingers in the coffee
and make a layer in the container
4. Pour half the cheesy mixture on the layer of soaked
sponge fingers

Repeat steps 3 and 4

5. Evenly sprinkle the chocolate powder on top

6. Cover the container and either refrigerate
overnight or put it in the freezer for a couple of

Remember, chef gets first chance at licking the
cheesy, creamy mixture bowl! The colder it is, the
more it tastes like it actually has alcohol.

7. Serve and try to appear modest while accolades are
heaped upon you

Make this and your partners will thank you
Well bugger me - all this time I thought tiramisu had booze in it! I'll have to try this out - it could be a lifesaver with Sash when I work late nights.
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