Thread: Off Topic Humor
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Old 12 February 2006, 01:41 AM   #5
Posts: n/a
I think the fact that this forum has grown so quickly shows that we are doing something right here. Until May of 2005, this place was basically a dead forum, with very few posts. In less than a year, it has grown to it's present size and rank. In addition, most people who join in and comment on the nature of this place describe it in a positive way.

As Frans has pointed out, questions that are asked are generally answered. The fact that we can let a thread get hijacked and no one gets uptight about it shows that we are all pretty relaxed about how this place works. Many of us have been on other boards where this has not been the case, and quite frankly I enjoy this place more than any other.

We all take our watches seriously (to a degree) and we take our fun seriously. What we don't do is take ourselves too seriously. I visit other watch sites and can say that many offer much more in the way of hard technical information than we do here, but they certainly aren't as fun (in fact one I can think of is almost militant in their way of handling posts - no fun there). I think we strike a good balance here, although at times it can get out of hand. Although I appreciate your comments, in my personal view rather than try to change the nature of this forum (that has made it grow to where it is) maybe you should consider if this is really the right place for you.

I'm not being hostile, but if I found myself not fitting in with the flavour of a forum I was on, I would simply move on rather than try to change the place to suit me. Just a thought.

Oh yes, about being #1 - we are #1 on the European top 100 as I write this.

Last edited by ----; 12 February 2006 at 01:43 AM..
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