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Old 9 October 2015, 07:55 AM   #83
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Originally Posted by SubKing View Post
I contacted the supervisor "Pat" at patek NY that I been working with. He didn't seem thrilled to hear from me. When I asked him to check his email for a picture of the defect, I asked him if he thought that looked right. Pat's response "I don't really see a problem, but I will double check, as this might be an acceptable QC finish, I will forward the picture to HQ and get back to you"

So I'm thinking to myself "acceptable QC of finishing? You must be joking.."
That’s double-speak for “you’re being far too fussy for our liking and consider the matter resolved.”

Did you mention before leaving the store that the owner had managed to mark the bracelet?
If not, then you should have – even if you didn’t want the conversation to become confrontational.

In the event NY comes back with a response which effectively allows them to wash their hands of you, your response has to be that as the customer, you decide what’s acceptable, not them.
But in doing so, you’d better be on firm ground with your State’s consumer laws, and be ready to enact them by rejecting the watch and obtaining a refund.

A previous comment made intimated that you didn’t want to go down the refund route for fear of burning bridges – at this stage, and if PP says no to swapping the bracelet over, then the AD might be relieved that he doesn’t have to deal with what a “demanding customer".
So I wouldn’t worry about bridges – not when $40K+ is at stake.

Maybe you’re destined for not having a 5990.
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