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Old 21 April 2016, 03:57 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: calgary
Posts: 56
$100 vintage tudor, worth it?

Hi guys,

As I so often prowl on the internet for my next "big" fish, I often stumble across cheap Tudors. More often than not, they are in absolute horrendous condition and there is no value in it whatsoever. But this one caught my eye for not only being exponentially cheaper but also because it doesn't seem to be in horrendous condition. As you can see from the pictures, the 12 o'clock marker and caseback is in bad condition. The caseback dings are all from using the wrong tools, and I have no clue what is going on with the marker at 12. The seller is local and someone I sort of know, so it's easier to be upfront with him.
Any thoughts on this? It would help if anyone knows the reference number too. For $100 I'm tempted.
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