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Old 22 July 2016, 12:42 AM   #145
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Long story, short, the OP found something questionable and acted upon his beliefs.
The seller may have the benefit of the doubt until all plausible circumstances are reviewed.
The Mods did their job and so did all the members who chimed in with opinions.

None of us is as smart as all of us...and that's the beauty of TRF.
I admit that I couldn't tell upon initial inspection of the original photos that the item was fake - which is why I made post #2.

The OP later provided the detailed issues. Others tracked down prior instances and the Mods acted.

That's why things ended the way they did. Lesson to all (which prolly doesn't need repeating) - buy the seller first!

I just did a nice deal with a trusted seller for an 1803 and it only took 2 pics to decide.
That's because he is a trusted seller - and that's who you need to deal with - trusted sellers!

Does anyone really know what time it is?
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