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Old 23 July 2016, 07:20 AM   #184
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Originally Posted by GLADIATOR View Post
Why you think the SWISS can not make a fake?

I have seen, touched these pieces! This Pawn group who open every watch got duped.

"Urban Myth"? No more
It's not that the Swiss "can't" make fakes. Surely there are plenty of folks there with the capability.
However, the watch culture and regulation/laws/punishments for counterfeiting are much different in Switzerland than they are in most countries in SE Asia.
Also, labor costs/wages in Switzerland are among the highest anywhere in the World. The cost of labor to produce fakes in Switzerland makes the issue a non-starter.

As mentioned, when you hear "Swiss" associated with fakes, it is BS IMO. The only possible exception being those that use Swiss-made movements (typically ETA).
That still doesn't make it "Swiss made", and even then it's usually BS, and they are using fake/cloned ETA movements.

So, the only way I am buying your story is if you were actually in Switzerland witnessing them being produced there.
Or with the examples you mentioned, you were privy to every step in the chain-of-custody from Swiss manufacturer to dealer/seller/end-user (in this case a pawn shop apparently). Otherwise, don't believe it.
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