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Old 13 December 2017, 08:12 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by hsm View Post
its 20 times stronger than in the 60s
it destroys mental health, not all brains can handle it,

many young developing minds should not be going anywhere near it, yet its being pushed on the young,

it is not safe, quite the opposite.
It is stronger today, and more pure. There is greater care to avoid utilizing harmful fertilizer compounds, and very stringent laboratory testing for purity and dosing consistency. There are hundreds of strains with different cannabinoid profiles that can treat various types of ailments.

BTW...did you know that the U.S. Government has held a patent on Cannabinoids as a Neuroprotector since 2003 and have done nothing with it?

U.S. Patent number: US006630507B1

Patent Assignee:
The United States ofAmerica as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services, Washington,DC (US)

Patent Abstract:
Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties,unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism.This new found property makes Cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of Wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The Cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurode generative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive Cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. A particular disclosed class of Cannabinoids are useful as neuroprotective antioxidants.

Seriously, before denigrating something you clearly don’t understand, take the time to learn about it. Your only knowledge is based on a few low-life stoners you met, and think that only troubled people use the plant. The reality is that it has tremendous medicinal potential, and is even less invasive/harmful to the human body than alcohol and many current prescription drugs.

Nobody is in favor of minors using Marijuana, much like they should not use alcohol nor drink too much Mountain Dew. Again, if you understood the extreme seed to sale tracking process of every single plant in those states where it is legal and the degree of scrutiny both during licensing and on-going regulatory scrutiny, you’d have a better appreciation for how controlling it will help stamp out illegal/unmonitored black market production and distribution...which will in turn help reduce access to minors via the black market drug dealers, thereby greatly reducing overall criminal activity, and focusing law enforcement on the real harmful, violent criminals.

Try to research the potential benefits to society before regurgitating the same ignorant beliefs perpetuated for more than a generation solely to marginalize a specific social class/ethic group, all starting during the Nixon Administration. You will be surprised by what you learn.
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