Thread: Career troubles
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Old 13 August 2005, 02:15 AM   #7
Posts: n/a
Thanks for all your responses - they are very much appreciated. I especially like that everyone did not just tell me to leave. In fact, that is the kind of talk the company/boss throws around whenever I express my frustration about these things. You are all correct, there is no loyalty on the part of the company, yet they still expect it from the employees. Yes, there have been times when things were very slow and I was glad to simply have my job. But the company continuing with that kind of message to me even when things are good wears thin quite quickly.

As John so correctly pointed out, leaving after 19 years would be tough. Not only from the standpoint of having to learn a new plant/process (and the people and politics) all over again from scratch (I know this plant very well, as there aren't many areas that I have not touched over the years), I am due to receive 5 weeks vacation soon, and that is particularly hard to give up. I know I could try to negotiate vacation at the next place, but I am pretty sure 5 weeks would not be on the table.

I will begin putting together a case for myself. Not only have I taken on extra duties, but have always been a top performer, and have taken all the management courses that I've been asked to take, and in fact have asked for more to prepare for this position.

I think one of the big issues is that I have taken on so much in the way of extra work over the years, and I get so much more done than many others here, that I have made myself too valuable in the position I am in. I don't mean to sound like I'm blowing my own horn, but even my manager has told me on occasion he doesn't know how I get so much done, and still keep everything on time and in budget.

John - you are spot on. The place I work is one where if you leave, you usually never come back (only two instances that I know of, including this one). The fact that this other guy has come back, has virtually everyone thinking that he is in line for something. One of the reasons he left (as he told me) was that he saw me as the person in line for the engineering supervisor's job. If he has come back, that is a signal to me that I am no longer the guy - having said that he might be in line for a job in production as well, but of course he denies anything of the sort.

Anyway, thanks again for all your comments.

Regards, Al
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