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Old 1 July 2018, 03:40 AM   #232
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Originally Posted by maciej View Post
Listen, I don't have a dog in this fight, but I think it's kind of fascinating how the internet mob is continues to light the torches, sharpen the pitchforks, and pontificate over the nuances of the guidelines set forth by the forum to ensure situations like this are covered, when in reality it appears that the OP and seller are already working out some sort of an agreement that's in their best interests given the circumstances.

In reality the mob continues to plot vigilante revenge, craft solutions to hypothetical issues, and confirm that the public beating in fact hasn't gone out of style; but that's because that's the society that we've evolved into.

Undoubtedly there were avoidable issues, clearly there were less than favorable choices made that have had a material impact, but in reality it becomes abundantly clear how many individuals here are business owners and how many aren't. It's easy for so many people to be able to discuss how issues are handled with hindsight being twenty twenty, but it's quite fascinating to see how people discuss issues when they take place in a vacuum and hypothesizing and learning from others' mistakes is the scenario at play.

I think a lot of people should take into account that while he is in this industry, there is a world outside of the forum, and there are a variety of facets within the industry in which people conduct their transactions. A situation like this for people more professional is an unfortunate occurrence that all individuals are cognizant of. I know from my experience in motorsports and other industries where I've had to ship things that this is an unfortunate reality. While I've lost only a small amount of money due to unscrupulous and malevolent employees of shipping companies, others I know have been far less lucky and have suffered hits in excess of tens of thousands of dollars. Hell, even in aviation I've see one guy drop off an engine worth $80k on a pallet only to realize a few days later that it was never scanned in and the f'in thing disappeared!

Either way, I'm just sitting here with popcorn watching the thread unfold and observing...
You´ve certainly covered a lot of the perceived problems. Care to offer any potential solutions too?
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