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Old 16 August 2018, 04:14 AM   #1
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Is vintage collecting a dying hobby?

Just some rambling thoughts after reflecting on my collection and I'm wondering if anyone else is having them too...

I'm enjoying all the recent threads on crazy prices, laser welding, reluming, dishonest and embellished descriptions, super replicas etc...

And I'm wondering if we're experiencing the golden age of this hobby?

Is the vintage Rolex collecting hobby peaking? I'm talking about enthusiasm for the hobby rather than prevailing prices and asset investors.

With things becoming SO technical, counterfeits becoming SO good and scams being SO sophisticated, this hobby has barriers to entry like never before. Disposable income and excellent 20/20 eye sight, is no longer the biggest challenge.

I've collected lots of things since childhood - stamps, coins, fountain pens, cigarette lighters. General enthusiasm for collecting these objects peaked while they had some social context and utility. Collections now go unsold at estate sales...

The number of collectors of these objects today is far fewer than 20 years ago. And the average age is surely much higher. Prices have collapsed for all but museum grade examples.

Where is Vintage Rolex Collecting in this lifecycle?

Are vintage collectors and enthusiasts an endangered species? I really doubt my young kids will share my enthusiasm for these old watches when they're adults in 20 years. Will my collection of medium-grade 1950s & 60s watches go unsold at an estate sale in one or two generations time?

... or maybe I'm just having a down-day and need to get over myself and just buy another watch.
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