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Old 21 September 2010, 11:57 PM   #9
"TRF" Member
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I don't do any of those things - the watch is either sold or it isn't.

Having said that....

You guys are a bit rough on the sellers in this instance. Many of you have no idea what it takes to go through the rif-raff of....

lowball offers
ridiculous trade offers
wild demands from not so known 'buyers'
'buyers' who change their mind more often than their underwear
and last, but far from least - SCAMMERS trying to take your hard-earned money

Do you phone 'The Shopping Network' and complain when they say 'This is a limited time offer' knowing damn well it isn't? Do you complain everytime an ad uses marketing language to sell a product? I'm sure you don't. So, OP, back off, will ya? Until you walk in our shoes, please reserve judgement. Focus not on those who attempt to increase interest by placing a time restriction or limitation on their product (common marketing technique, btw), but on those who are using this (or any) venue to defraud and steal.
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“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.” - Hunter S. Thompson
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