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Old 7 April 2012, 10:26 AM   #28
2th Dr
Join Date: Jan 2009
Real Name: Mark-O!
Location: Arlington, TX
Watch: Rolex
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Originally Posted by Tridor View Post
This is true. Call your credit card company and notify them that you are disputing the charge. They may tell you that you can't file a formal dispute until the charge shows up on your next bill, but at least they will have an initial protest on record.

Then, AS SOON as you get your cc bill containing the charge for the watch, call your cc company and IMMEDIATELY follow their procedure to the letter. Usually, you have a VERY SHORT time period in which to file a dispute. They will likely reverse the charge temporarily pending an investigation. Take photos of the watch so that you can prove its condition, and print out the ad from which you purchased the watch so the sleaze bags you bought it from don't change it in the meantime and then claim that YOU removed the links to try to pull one over on them.

Three other things. First, if you decide to send back the watch, send it REGISTERED mail, that's the most secure method and they can't claim they didn't get it. Second, if the company offers to give you the additional two links so that you'll keep the watch and withdraw the dispute, tell them you'd rather they credit your card in an amount equal to the cost of two links so that you can buy them from someone else. If they tried to screw you on the watch, there's every reason to believe they'll try to do it on the links as well. Third, once this whole thing is resolved, I would report them to your State attorney general and the Federal Trade Commission.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Good advice, thanks! Will do it first thing tomorrow, as the bank is already closed.
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