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Old 3 December 2024, 01:14 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
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1989 Datejust updates desired

I just got my old 1989 2-tone Datejust back from Rolex service in Texas; S/N 9492477. I'm considering having two aftermarket changes made.

I've had it since it was new and have kept up on the service. I had the face changed once from blue to black by Rolex probably 15 years ago as I got tired of the blue face. I still have the blue face of course. Other than this, it is still all original and all OE parts. I'm considering having two things done to it, which I know one of is strictly aftermarket.
  • Change the acrylic crystal to sapphire, which is aftermarket. I see a lot of vintage Rolex's from big aftermarket resellers that have already had this done, so it is clearly common to have this done on a vintage Rolex, but of course, Rolex will not do this according to my dealer. Any caveats to having this done? I'm kinda tired of having to get out the Dremel and polish the crystal every time I accidentally rub it up against something. Granted, it's not difficult to do, but my other watches with sapphire crystals don't have this annoyance. Making this change appears to make the crystal face flat, as opposed to the slightly domed shape of the original crystal.
  • Another face change. I'd like to get a bright red face. My Rolex dealer has no idea what can be gotten for new face colors on this old watch. They just seem to be annoyed by such requests, as Rolex has certainly shied away from such requests these days seemingly due to becoming overly popular compared to 20 years ago. Good for them financially; bad for customer retention. I saw one on a used Rolex once on a gold Datejust, but I don't know what vintage that one was. I'd like to get an OE Rolex red face, if one is/was made, but I'm willing to go aftermarket if it is of high quality made to near original standards.

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